Wednesday 14 March 2007

Gore TV

Former US Vice President Al Gore has promised to "democratise" television in the UK at the launch of a channel featuring programmes made by viewers.

"Current TV will broadcast non-fiction videos by "people making TV for the first time, and making it well", said Mr Gore, one of the channel's founders."

"Available through Sky and Virgin Media, it claims to be the first channel created by and for 18- to 34-year-olds."

"Statistics from Google's search engine will be featured every half hour - "our version of the news", Mr Gore said."

"Every month, viewers will vote for one short film - or "pod", as Current TV is branding them - to be archived in the British Library."

Guardian Article

"Al Gore yesterday unveiled the British version of his Current TV network, claiming it was the first example of "television for the internet generation"

"Current TV, which launched yesterday on the Sky and Virgin Media pay-TV platforms, is aimed at the 18- to 34-year-olds increasingly turning to the net, mobile phones and a myriad of digital channels to complement mainstream media habits."

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