Wednesday, 7 March 2007


Wikipedia Article

"The concept of Podcasting was suggested as early as 2000 and its technical components were available by 2001, then implemented in the program Radio Userland. In 2003 regular podcasts started showing up on well-known Web sites and software support spread."

"Podcasting's initial appeal was to allow individuals to distribute their own "radio shows," but the system quickly became used in a wide variety of other ways, including distribution of school lessons, official and unofficial audio tours of museums, conference meeting alerts and updates, and by police departments to distribute public safety messages."

BBC article on "Podcasters"

"It is totally going to kill the business model of radio," thinks Curry.

"I just did a tour of Madison Avenue where all the big brands and advertising agencies of the world are," he says.

"And they are scared to death of the next generation - like my daughter who is 14 - who don't listen to radio.

"They are on MSN, they've got their iPod, their MP3 player, they've got their Xbox - they are not listening to radio.

"So how are they going to reach these audiences?

"It is the distribution that is changing and the barriers are being brought down so everyone can be part of it."

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